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Open Graph Checker

Facebook created Open Graph, which it introduced in 2010. It allows Facebook and other websites to connect with one another. It makes it possible for other websites to develop into rich "graph" objects with features identical to those of Facebook objects. Through the use of OG Meta tags, website managers can manage the data that their websites provide to Facebook. These tags are added to the website's piece of code.

Following Facebook's lead in the use of social media tags, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and other major social networking platforms also began to identify meta OG tags. For webmasters, mastering this ability is essential to maximizing the potential of Facebook Graph Meta tags. Click through rates and conversion rates can be significantly impacted by using these tags. Website traffic is increasingly being driven by social media platforms. While adding OG tags won't have an impact on on-page SEO, it will have an impact on social media performance.

Open Graph Facebook Tags

The three major meta tags that Facebook uses are:

  • og:title
  • og:description
  • og:image

In og:title as you must know you define the title of your content. If og:title is not defined in the code of the website, Facebook will use the meta title tag. However, it should be between 60 and 90 characters and should be eye-catching and appealing.

The meta description that shows up in the HTML code of a website is quite similar to the og:description tag. On Facebook, this will appear beneath the link title. It should grab the interest of prospective guests and encourage them to visit the location.

The most intriguing OG tag is og:image. When the webpage is shared, this picture will show up as a thumbnail. Use it to improve the conversion rate if possible. You don't want Facebook to show a banner that was taken from the page if you don't want it to.


If your website has been designed to bring business, you must optimize it to generate the maximum traffic to your website. You can only do this when you use meta og tags and use social media sites to drive traffic to your site.

Developing the tags must be planned and done carefully. This is what will showcase your website on social media sites. A good strong title, description and an eye-catching image will raise the interest in people to visit your site. You cannot achieve this traffic by just trying to achieve a top Google page ranking. Social media sites are the most visited and used sites in the world. To generate traffic from them to your sites you must make full use of graph tags and implement them in the code of your website. By doing this, your website will stand out and draw more clicks and views. The more traffic you get, the better will be the business your website will be generating.

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