Complete Guide For SEO Backlinks | High DA PA BackLinks List For 2024

05/23/2024 12:00 AM by Admin in

SEO Backlinks Complete Guide | Types | Benefits | Backlink List (2024)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical aspect of digital marketing that helps improve a website's visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs). One of the most vital components of SEO is backlinks. In this detailed guide, we'll explore what backlinks are, their advantages, and various related concepts like link juice, no-follow and do-follow links, linking root domains, low-quality links, anchor text, and the benefits of backlinks. Additionally, we'll provide tips and methods to acquire high-quality backlinks and also a list of working high DA PA  backlinks For 2024.

What Are Backlinks?

Backlinks, also known as inbound or incoming links, are links from one website to another. Search engines like Google view backlinks as votes of confidence for a website's content. When a reputable site links to your page, it signals to search engines that your content is valuable and credible, which can improve your site's ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Backlinks are categorized into two major types:

  • Do-follow Link
  • No-follow Link

What is Backlink - Do-Follow AND No Follow Backlink

What is a Do-follow Link?

Do-follow links are standard hyperlinks that allow search engines to follow them and pass link juice to the linked site. These links are valuable for SEO because they contribute to the linked site’s authority and can improve its search engine rankings. Most hyperlinks on the web are do-follow links unless specified otherwise. These links tell search engines that the linked page offers valuable information and knowledge that can answer a specific search query. As a result, search engines trust your pages more, which improves their SEO performance. This can lead to a surge in rankings, driving more traffic and contributing to the overall success of your site.

What is a No-follow Link?

No-follow links are hyperlinks with a special HTML attribute (rel="nofollow") that tells search engines not to pass any link juice to the linked site. These links do not directly contribute to improving search engine rankings, but they can still drive traffic and contribute to brand visibility. No-follow links are often used in comments, forums, and sponsored content. No-follow links, while not as crucial as do-follow links, are still important for a comprehensive backlink strategy. These links instruct search engines to ignore the content on the linked pages, indicating that it is not relevant for ranking purposes. Although they play no direct role in improving search engine rankings, no-follow links are valuable in other ways. They can drive traffic, enhance brand visibility, and provide a natural link profile by balancing the do-follow links.

Understand The Term Link Juice -

Link juice refers to the value or equity passed from one page or site to another through backlinks. When a high-authority website links to your page, it transfers some of its authority to your site, enhancing your page's ranking potential. This transfer of value helps the linked page improve its ranking on search engines. Not all links pass equal value; the quality and relevance of the linking site play a significant role in the amount of link juice passed.

Linking Root Domains -

Linking root domains refer to the number of unique domains that link back to your site. For example, if website A links to your site five times, it is considered one linking root domain. Having a higher number of linking root domains is generally more beneficial than having many links from the same domain, as it indicates a broader endorsement from various sources.

Anchor Text -

Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. It should be relevant to the linked page's content and ideally include keywords you want to rank for. Proper use of anchor text can enhance the relevance of the linked page for specific search queries. However, over-optimization or manipulative anchor text can result in penalties from search engines.

Low-Quality Links -

Low-quality links come from sites that have little to no authority or are deemed spammy by search engines. These can negatively impact your SEO efforts. Examples include links from link farms, irrelevant websites, or sites with thin content. It’s crucial to focus on acquiring high-quality backlinks to avoid potential penalties from search engines.


Backlinks Guide 2024 | BY SEOToolswp

Understanding High PA, DA Links and Their Importance-

Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA) are metrics developed by Moz, a leading SEO software company, to predict how well a webpage or a website will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs).

  • Page Authority (PA): PA measures the predictive ranking strength of a single webpage. It is scored on a scale from 1 to 100, with higher scores indicating a greater ability to rank.
  • Domain Authority (DA): DA measures the overall ranking strength of an entire domain or website. Like PA, it is scored from 1 to 100, with higher scores suggesting a higher likelihood of ranking well.

Why are High PA, and DA Links Important?

  • Boost Search Engine Rankings: Links from high PA and DA sites signal to search engines that your content is credible and authoritative. This can improve your own site's rankings.
  • Increase Referral Traffic: High authority sites often have substantial traffic. Getting a backlink from these sites can drive more visitors to your site.
  • Enhance Credibility and Trust: Backlinks from reputable sites can enhance your site's credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of both search engines and users.
  • Faster Indexing: Search engines frequently crawl high-authority sites. Backlinks from such sites can help your content get indexed faster.

Click Here To Read: 100% Free Tools to Boost Your Productivity and SEO Performance 

List of Free Websites that Provide High-Quality Links in 2024

Here are some free websites where you can earn high-quality backlinks:

  1. Medium -
  2. LinkedIn -
  3. Reddit -
  4. Quora -
  5. GitHub -
  6. SlideShare -
  7. Pinterest -
  8. Blogger -
  9. WordPress -
  10. YouTube -
  11. Behance -
  12. Tumblr -
  13. Crunchbase -
  14. HubPages -
  15. AngelList -
  16. -
  17. Diigo -
  18. Issuu -
  19. Wikidot -
  20. -


Different Types of Backlinks for a Successful Link-Building Strategy in 2024

  1. Editorial Backlinks: Editorial backlinks are naturally earned when other websites link to your content because they find it valuable. These links are highly credible and beneficial for SEO.
  2. Guest Post Backlinks: Guest posting involves writing articles for other blogs or websites in your niche. These articles typically include backlinks to your site, driving traffic and enhancing SEO.
  3. Organic Backlinks: Organic backlinks are naturally acquired over time as people find your content useful and link to it without any prompting. These are among the most valuable types of backlinks.
  4. Links from Forums and Comments: Participating in discussions on forums and blog comments allows you to share your website link where relevant. While often no-follow, these links can drive traffic and increase visibility.
  5. Press Release Backlinks: Press releases distributed to reputable news sites can earn backlinks. These links are valuable for boosting credibility and visibility.
  6. Acknowledgment Backlinks: Acknowledgment backlinks come from mentions of your brand or content in lists, round-ups, or credits on other websites. They add credibility and can drive traffic.
  7. Testimonial Backlinks: Providing testimonials for products or services you use can earn you backlinks from the companies’ websites, as they often link back to the testimonial provider.
  8. Links from Images: Using images, infographics, or other visual content on your site can attract backlinks when others share or use your images, provided they credit you with a link.
  9. Links from Directories: Submitting your website to online directories can earn backlinks. While not all directories are valuable, reputable ones can enhance your SEO.
  10. Influencer-generated Backlinks: Collaborating with influencers who mention and link to your site in their content can provide high-quality backlinks and drive targeted traffic.
  11. Footer Links: Footer links are placed at the bottom of web pages. They can be useful for internal linking or partnership acknowledgments but should be used sparingly to avoid appearing spammy.
  12. Paid Links: Paid links are acquired by paying for them. While they can boost SEO, be cautious as search engines penalize sites that engage in buying links purely for ranking manipulation.
  13. Badge Backlinks: Creating badges or awards that other websites can display often includes a backlink to your site. This strategy can boost both visibility and credibility.
  14. PBN Backlinks: Private Blog Networks (PBNs) are networks of websites used to build backlinks. They can be effective but risky, as search engines penalize manipulative link schemes.
  15. Free Tool Backlinks: Offering free tools, calculators, or resources on your site can attract backlinks when others find these tools useful and link to them.

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Backlink & Its Types - by SEOtoolswp

Types of Backlinks to Use in 2024 | For SEO 

Backlink building remains a cornerstone of an effective SEO strategy. In 2024, various types of backlinks continue to be relevant, each offering unique benefits. Here are some effective backlink types and techniques to consider:

1. Profile Creation Backlinks: Profile creation involves creating profiles on various websites and including your website's URL in the profile information. These links help in increasing your website's visibility and can improve your search engine rankings.


  • Identify reputable websites and platforms that allow profile creation.
  • Register and complete your profile information.
  • Ensure to include a link to your website in the profile section.

Examples of Sites:

Profile Creation Task - By SEOToolswp

2. Blog Submission Backlinks: Blog submission involves writing and submitting articles to blogging platforms. These platforms allow you to include links back to your website, driving traffic and enhancing your SEO.


  • Identify high-authority blog submission sites.
  • Write high-quality, relevant content.
  • Submit your blog post and include backlinks to your website.

Examples of Sites:

Blog Submission Task - BY SEOToolswp

3. PPT Submission Backlinks: PPT submission involves creating PowerPoint presentations related to your niche and submitting them to sites that host presentations. These sites often allow you to include a link back to your website.


  • Create informative and visually appealing presentations.
  • Upload your presentations to PPT submission sites.
  • Include links to your website within the slides and in the description.

Examples of Sites:

4. Guest Posting Backlinks: Guest posting involves writing articles for other blogs or websites in your niche. These posts typically include a backlink to your site, which can drive traffic and improve your SEO.


  • Identify blogs and websites that accept guest posts.
  • Pitch your article ideas to these sites.
  • Write high-quality content and include relevant backlinks to your site.

Examples of Sites:

5. Forum Posting Backlinks: Forum posting involves participating in discussions on forums related to your niche. By contributing valuable insights and linking back to your content, you can gain backlinks and drive traffic.


  • Join relevant forums and communities.
  • Participate in discussions and provide helpful answers.
  • Include your website link in your forum signature or within relevant posts.

Examples of Sites:

Forum Submission Task - BYSEOtoolwp

6. Comment Backlinks:  Comment backlinks involve leaving comments on blog posts, articles, and forums that are relevant to your niche. Within these comments, you can include a link to your website.


  • Find blogs and articles related to your industry.
  • Leave insightful and valuable comments.
  • Include a link to your website if allowed.

Examples of Sites:

  • Blog Commenting on industry-specific blogs
  • Comment sections of high-authority news sites

7. Social Bookmarking Backlinks: Social bookmarking involves saving and sharing your web pages on social bookmarking sites. These platforms help in driving traffic and getting backlinks.


  • Identify popular social bookmarking sites.
  • Bookmark your web pages with relevant tags and descriptions.
  • Share these bookmarks within the community.

Examples of Sites:

Social Bookmarking Task - BY SEOToolswp

8. Video Submission Backlinks: Video submission involves creating videos related to your niche and submitting them to video-sharing platforms. These videos can include links back to your site in the description.


  • Create engaging and informative videos.
  • Upload your videos to popular video-sharing sites.
  • Include your website link in the video description and within the video if possible.

Examples of Sites:

Video Submission Task - ByseoTOOLSWP

9. Infographic Submission Backlinks: Infographic submission involves creating infographics and submitting them to infographic directories and sharing platforms. Infographics are highly shareable and can generate backlinks.


  • Design visually appealing and informative infographics.
  • Submit your infographics to infographic-sharing sites.
  • Include an embed code with a link to your website.

Examples of Sites:

10. Web 2.0 Submission Backlinks: Web 2.0 submission involves creating and managing content on Web 2.0 platforms. These platforms allow users to create their own content and often include options for linking back to their websites.


  • Identify high-authority Web 2.0 sites.
  • Create accounts and set up profiles on these platforms.
  • Regularly publish high-quality content that includes backlinks to your site.

Examples of Sites:

Benefits | Advantages | Tips & Tricks To Get Quality Backlinks in 2024

Methods to Get Quality Backlinks

  • Content Marketing: Create and promote high-quality content, such as blog posts, infographics, videos, and research reports, that people want to link to.
  • Outreach Campaigns: Reach out to bloggers, journalists, and webmasters to inform them about your valuable content and request backlinks.
  • Skyscraper Technique: Find popular content in your niche, create something even better, and then reach out to those linking to the original piece to link to your improved version.
  • Resource Page Link Building: Find resource pages in your niche and suggest adding your content as a valuable resource.
  • Influencer Marketing: Collaborate with influencers in your industry who can link to your content from their websites or social media profiles.
  • Press Releases and PR: Use press releases and public relations to get coverage and backlinks from news sites and blogs.
  • Local Listings and Directories: Ensure your business is listed in relevant local directories and business listings to earn backlinks and improve local SEO.

Backlinks, Its Types, Benefits, Advantages, Tips and TRicks For Backlinks in 2024 - By SEOToolswp


Benefits of Backlinks

  • Improved Visibility and Rankings: Backlinks are a significant ranking factor. Quality backlinks can propel your site to the top of search engine results.
  • Referral Traffic: Quality backlinks from popular sites can drive a steady stream of referral traffic to your site.
  • Brand Authority and Credibility: Backlinks from authoritative sites help build your brand's authority and credibility in your niche.
  • Networking and Relationships: Earning backlinks often involves reaching out to other sites, leading to potential partnerships and networking opportunities.
  • Long-term SEO Benefits: Unlike other SEO tactics, backlinks continue to provide value over time, contributing to sustained rankings and traffic.

Advantages of Backlinks

  1. Improved Search Engine Rankings: Quality backlinks help your site rank higher in SERPs.
  2. Increased Referral Traffic: Backlinks from popular sites can drive significant traffic to your site.
  3. Enhanced Domain Authority: Backlinks contribute to the overall authority and credibility of your site.
  4. Faster Indexing: Search engines find and index your content faster when it is linked from other sites.

Click Here To Read: What is SEO & Its Types Tips and Tricks for Doing SEO

Tips to Get High-Quality Backlinks

  • Create High-Quality Content: Publish valuable, unique, and comprehensive content that others naturally want to link to.
  • Guest Blogging: Write guest posts for authoritative blogs in your niche. Ensure your content is high-quality and relevant.
  • Build Relationships: Network with influencers and bloggers in your industry. Genuine relationships can lead to natural backlinks.
  • Utilize Social Media: Share your content on social media to increase its visibility and the chances of earning backlinks.
  • Monitor Competitors: Analyze your competitors' backlink profiles to identify potential linking opportunities for your site.
  • Participate in Forums and Communities: Engage in industry-specific forums and communities. Provide valuable insights and links to your content where appropriate.
  • Leverage Broken Link Building: Identify broken links on other sites and offer your content as a replacement. This is a win-win for both parties.



By understanding the importance of backlinks and implementing effective strategies to acquire high-quality links, you can significantly enhance your website's SEO performance. Focus on creating valuable content, building relationships, and leveraging various techniques to establish a robust backlink profile. By focusing on acquiring high-quality backlinks through ethical methods and creating valuable content, you can build a robust backlink profile that benefits your site in the long run. Remember, quality always trumps quantity when it comes to backlinks, so prioritize building genuine and valuable links over sheer numbers.

In 2024, a diverse and strategic approach to building backlinks will be crucial for SEO success. By focusing on high-quality, relevant backlinks and leveraging a variety of sources, you can significantly improve your website's authority, visibility, and search engine rankings. Prioritize natural and ethical link-building practices to ensure long-term SEO benefits. High PA and DA links improve your website's SEO performance. These metrics indicate the authority and ranking potential of a site or page, making backlinks from high PA and DA sites particularly valuable. Utilizing free platforms to earn these backlinks can significantly enhance your website's visibility, traffic, and credibility. By strategically leveraging these resources, you can build a robust backlink profile that supports long-term SEO success.

Building a diverse and high-quality backlink profile is crucial for improving your website's SEO performance. By leveraging various backlink types and techniques, such as profile creation, blog submission, PPT submission, guest posting, and more, you can enhance your site's authority, drive traffic, and achieve higher rankings on search engine results pages in 2024. Remember, the focus should always be on acquiring high-quality, relevant backlinks rather than merely increasing the number of links.




Chandigarh, India

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